La mirada del Angel


Oculto tras las sombras,
Disimulando su rostro,
Varon_Ashler su nombre,
Intento de mujer

Travestido su cuerpo,
Silicona en sus pechos,
Fantasmas en la noche,
Intentando subir a algún coche.

Hoy hay luna llena,
Inundan la acera,
Con medias de seda,
Y sus prendas negras

Un lujoso rolls, aparca y espera,
Pronto es abordado, por una morena,
De imponente pechonalidad,
Seductora su forma de andar.

Y se pierden en la noche,
La morena y el del coche

16 comentarios

penis enlargement -

They are more than welcome to try them if you want to add, but the expansion proved there is no better method than an Extender, or a good exercise program. Many boys have a penis, the average do. not because they want it for their own actions, but because they want their partner the best sexual encounters. Girls can not see, but for most men to lower their pants and show you their packages, their sexual partners, in fact, a self-conscious penis enlargement pills quest for them. The boys do a lot of commitment, especially during part.Whatever your natural penis is, it is quite normal because many of the boys wonder if it is possible to have offered any additional duties of the various wonders of science. For this quest easy, here is the truth behind the facts about some of the most common method of penis enlargement fact: to take tablets Mentioned.

When that you answer the questions; it is important to provide security, there is no safer than penis exercises. First, you do not need to take pills or undergo any type of surgery. In addition, penis exercises for men practiced by the ancient civilizations with great results. men from Egypt and the Middle East is known that one of the biggest penis enlargement pills penis in the world. Unlike devices like pumps or weights, the extender device completely safe when properly used and no side effects.The Extender is a small device that you wear on your penis while flaccid. Usually can be worn under clothing and it is not visible. While you wear, it stretches your penis slowly. Effect is similar to weight lifting for muscle growth. composing the penis tissue to stretch and grow.

This leads to an increase in the length and girth.To achieve the desired effect must extend at least 5-8 hours to be worn on the day. It is therefore very important that the unit you choose has a comfort strap is included - otherwise it is very painful for you it.After you have to take a few weeks, you should see the first results - that's when you notice both your length and girth increased a bit. Most men want to enlarge their penis by 2 or 3 inches, penis enlargement capsules this can be achieved with a maximum of six months. After the penis size you want, you do not need to keep moving the unit.

If in fact just a coincidence that, of all the penis enlargement books also happens won the award for the best penis enlargement product.When review of all penis enlargement available on the market you need the past striking ads and take a hard look at the company behind the material . Like so many things at once, not all penis enlargement books. Here are three important questions to answer them the best penis enlargement product you are using a Boostin size and confidence that accompanies it.Key question will have to find a reward: Do the books you are penile Want to take a unique approach that will effectively and penis enlargement pills guarantee results? There are a lot of misinformation. As one of the penis books you are considering the same sounds, they are probably on the same old misinformation that has been shown not to work.

They are more than welcome to try them if you want to add, but the expansion proved there is no better method than an Extender, or a good exercise program. Many boys have a penis, the average do. not because they want it for their own actions, but because they want their partner the best sexual encounters. Girls can not see, but for most men to lower their pants and show you their packages, their sexual partners, in fact, a self-conscious penis enhancement pill quest for them. The boys do a lot of commitment, especially during part.Whatever your natural penis is, it is quite normal because many of the boys wonder if it is possible to have offered any additional duties of the various wonders of science. For this quest easy, here is the truth behind the facts about some of the most common method of penis enhancement fact: to take tablets Mentioned.

When that you answer the questions; it is important to provide security, there is no safer than penis exercises. First, you do not need to take pills or undergo any type of surgery. In addition, penis exercises for men practiced by the ancient civilizations with great results. men from Egypt and the Middle East is known that one of the biggest top penis enhancement penis in the world. Unlike devices like pumps or weights, the extender device completely safe when properly used and no side effects.The Extender is a small device that you wear on your penis while flaccid. Usually can be worn under clothing and it is not visible. While you wear, it stretches your penis slowly. Effect is similar to weight lifting for muscle growth. composing the penis tissue to stretch and grow.

This leads to an increase in the length and girth.To achieve the desired effect must extend at least 5-8 hours to be worn on the day. It is therefore very important that the unit you choose has a comfort strap is included - otherwise it is very painful for you it.After you have to take a few weeks, you should see the first results - that's when you notice both your length and girth increased a bit. Most men want to enlarge their penis by 2 or 3 inches, penis enhancement surgery this can be achieved with a maximum of six months. After the penis size you want, you do not need to keep moving the unit.

The gains are permanent. If you buy a penis, top penis enhancement ensure that there is a medical device certified and approved by doctors. This ensures that safe and effective. for a certified and medically backed penis size of an emotional stress can extender.Small for many men. You suspect that bigger penis is a sign of masculinity. Therefore, the current market situation with a wide range of possibilities penis enhancement is flooded. But it's really important for proper treatment to any of the available expansion options.No to choose # 1: - Pumps

ppaa -

poco a poco pierdo el monto del peso q llevo por q cadia aprendo algo mas

Criss -

Hola corazon me encanta todo lo que escribe dicen que es bueno para las personas ser mas comprensibas.Besitos

Brisa -

Gracias Angel, ufff!! ahora me siento más relajada... ;)
¿Mi visión de tú trabajo, era acertada?

Angel -

Brisa, no te has equivocado lo de Varon Ashler es solo un "Icono" para expresar la dualidad hombre-mujer.

Que sea un personaje de comic no cambia el sentido del poema, es solo coincidencia.

Brisa -

Que metedura de pata!!! Mira que hacer una explicación como la mía y resulta que estabas hablando de Mazinger Z, jajajaja yo me muero... pero no se si de risa o de verguenza ;(
Angel, Esta bien que trabajes... pero sin excesos ¿eh?. Por cierto eso de inventar futuro, suena muy bien, se creativo!! Tengo la sensación que aunque vayas algo agobíado estas contento con lo que te ocurre, eso espero...!! (Espero tener más visión que con lo del Mazinger ;))

La Mirada del Angel -


Ya te daba por perdida, ingrata :),
aunque confiaba en que esta luna llena, tan especial te trajera de vuelta.

La Mirada del Angel -


Mucho, mucho, ademas estoy haciendo cosas nuevas, e inventandome futuro, así que estoy bastante enfrascado en varias cosas.

La Mirada del Angel -

Hola a todos la respuesta de Varon Ashler:

Baron Ashler: Este sujeto, es muy original, es mitad hombre y mitad mujer, es el primer ayudante del Dr. Hell, al mando de la tropa de enmascarados es el que domina las aguas con inicialmente la Fortaleza submarina y despues con el poderoso submarino BUDO. Es recontra de que fiel al Dr. Hell, aunque una vez intento matar al Dr. Hell. Finalmente lo da todo de si como un verdadero soldado, realiza un ataque suicida contra Mazinger, pero fue en vano, ya que Mazinger no sufrio muchos daños.

_Mary_ -

Un conflicto de personalidad, travesti busca mujer... mujer busca mujer (¿?)
Buenos versos.
Saludos desde México.

Hija de la Luna -

Vuelvo a tu blog y me encuentro con unos versos sorprendentes...
Tendrás que explicar lo del nombre, que a mí también me recuerda algún cómic (pero cualquiera se fía de mi memoria).

Muchas gracias por plasmar mis pensamientos en aquela bella poesía, y por ese regalo que me ha arrancado esta sonrisa, que ahora te dejo para que veas :)

Mañana caete por mi blog ;)

Un besote!

Brisa -

Creo que el nombre del varón, no tiene mayor importancia, ni siquiera quien es.... tu historia en forma de poesía, contiene ingredientes que aunque a veces me son ajenos, creo que es importante recordar....pq no estamos sólos, el mundo es de todos, y esas personas que son distintas a mí también son parte de mi mundo. Y me entristece la falta de respeto y la discriminación que padecen por el hecho de ser diferentes. El segundo tema, que está oculto en el interior del coche, aún me es si cabe más doloroso, hay cosas que creo no se pueden comprar.....pero, supongo que es lo que hay. Saluditos!!! ¿Que tal el trabajo, Angel?

Nimue y su kaos -

Un tema original, no se de donde sacas tanta inspiración, mi musa ultimamente debe de estar reñida conmigo...

El fugitivo -

!Curiosa poesia!.
Yo tambien tengo una duda, ¿Quien es el varón ashler?

izi -

Menuda sorpresa, el tema es absolutamente novedoso, los tiempos están cambiando y hay que adaptarse a la hora de escribir, no todo van a ser damas...

Un saludo.

Marta -

Jo, hijo, me ha encantado. Rimas perfectas, una historia creíble. Tan sólo una duda, porque el nombre de Varon_ashler? De donde lo has sacado? de algún comic?